Thursday, August 20, 2015

10 Qualities of a Leader

#1. ALWAYS set the right example :
Credibility does not come from the words that you say. It comes from ACTIONS that you make. Lead by consistently maintaining strong work ethic and a positive attitude. Others will want to follow.

#2. Dress for SUCCESS :
Looking professional is key. Dress like the owner every single day! You REPRESENT your company. What image do you want to leave people with?

#3. Discuss YOUR goals :
Hold yourself accountable for reaching your goals. People want to follow someone on a MISSION.

#4. Maintain a serious attitude about GROWTH/INTENSITY :
How hungry are you? Go the extra mile. Push yourself instead of settling. Be urgent and stay focused on your goal. BE FEARLESS, NEVER BE SATISFIED.

Don't sit around and wait for someone else to do it. If it is in your control, TAKE CONTROL. Dig in. Get things done.

#6. Be a good LISTENER :
Listen to what people have to say. Those who talk to the most, know the least. If you're not listening, you're not LEARNING.

TAKE CONTROL in every decision making process. If there is a decision to make, don't wait for someone to make it for you. GO FOR IT, no matter how difficult that decision may be. Be fearless about your decision and learn from it.

#8. Pick yourself up after DEFEAT: 
It is human to experience failure. How you respond is what is most important. FALL 99 TIMES, GET UP 100.

#9. Give everyone around you CONFIDENCE:
BUILD those around you. Let them know what they're doing right. Don't let someone spread themselves too thin by pointing out every little thing they can improve on. Get them focused on their strengths so that they can use it to their ADVANTAGES. Help them discover their muscle!

#10. Have the ABILITY TO RID the negative/weak people:
Find the NEGATIVE characters and eliminate them. The unmotivated will only pull you AND the rest of your TEAM MEMBERS down. Recognize it and 'trim the fat'.

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